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Saturday, June 12, 2021

How to get Instagram more likes and followers using 21 intelligent ideas to grow your Instagram

How to get Instagram more likes and followers using 21 intelligent ideas to grow your Instagram

#1. Make amazing pictures.

If we are not to forget that photography was art before it was a commercial tool, we all have to realize that our taste goes above our ability occasionally. No "good enough" photographs can be made on Instagram. Level uptime. Level uptime.

Whether it is photography or money to improve your equipment to enhance your eyes, discover out what the advantages do differently from the lovers. Here are some techniques and tools for editing Instagram photographs like a pro to get you started.

#2. Use the right hashtags on your posts

On Instagram, more than other social media platforms, every hashtag you use has the potential to open that post—and your brand as a whole—up to a whole new audience. Give your hashtag strategy some thought:

Don’t be too broad (i.e., #dog) but don’t be too niche (i.e., #labradoodlesofgreenpoint Use an effective number of hashtags (studies say that posts with 9 hashtags get the most engagement)

Put them in the right place (i.e., in the comments)Consider creating a branded hashtag, Hashtags require a deft touch because one look can tell your audience whether you’re savvy or desperate. Read our complete guide to Instagram hashtags.

#3. Use hashtags in your Stories and bio, too

It’s true that Stories don’t directly earn Instagram likes, and neither do bios, but using hashtags strategically in both is a free way to expand your reach to new fans.

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#4. Figure out who your audience is

Have you done your target market research? More than that, have you differentiated your Instagram audience from your social media audience as a whole? In order to know what your audience likes, you need to know who they are.

#5. Tag people and brands, when relevant

You get what you give away, as the saying goes, and that goes for attention, too. Whether you’re tagging a collaborator,

a new acquaintance, or your childhood hero, the goal is to highlight how much you value them, and share that value with your audience. Of course, if this means their audience is more likely to see your value as a result, all the better.

#6. Write better captions

Writing great Instagram captions sounds obvious. The tough part is figuring out what’s great for your brand. It’s going to vary, of course.

For instance, when it comes to captions, shorter really isn’t necessarily better. If you’re a semi-disgraced influencer like Caroline Calloway, maxing out your 2200 characters to detail the ins and outs of a convoluted personal narrative over dozens of posts might help you maximize a PR surge.

Meanwhile, if you’re the de facto spokesperson of a global movement, like Greta Thunberg, your audience doesn’t need a lot of explanation before you call them to action.

#7. Geotag your location

More than just a humblebrag about your excellent taste in gastropubs or coworking spaces, geotagging your location is a way for more people to find and like your photos.

Meanwhile, if you’re a brand with a brick and mortar location, geotagging is especially helpful as you build up a sense of community with your regulars and… potential regulars

Just remember to make sure your physical coordinates are correct so that you appear on the map. Replika location tag Instagram grid of recent photos

#8. Post consistently

As a brand on Instagram, you don’t want to annoy your followers, but neither do you want to make them feel ghosted. A content calendar is a great tool to help you plan out the number of posts necessary to keep people’s attention, without losing quality.

But instead of dropping everything to post twice a day, we recommend using a social media management tool that lets you schedule Instagram posts. That way, you can save time by blocking out a few hours a week to assemble your posts, and spend the rest of the time relaxing and watching the Instagram likes roll in. (Or, you know, doing everything else on this list and running your business.)

#9. Post when your followers are looking

Instagram doesn’t show posts chronologically, but its algorithm does favor “recency.” This means that if you want to get in front of eyeballs, it’s important for you to know when your audience is actually looking at the app. Ok, so when is that, exactly?

Your own analytics will give you some guidance. But also, we did the math and looked at 11 different industries to see what time of day is best to post on Instagram for brands looking to maximize engagement.

#10. Run a like-to-win contest

Contests can take a little planning or a lot. But a like-to-win contest is one of the simplest ways to rack up engagement in a given time period.

The key is to make sure your prize is desirable to your audience, but also specific enough that you’re attracting real fans, not opportunists (i.e., don’t give away cash, iPhones, or trips to Ibiza). We have more ideas for Instagram contests here, along with step-by-step instructions on how to pull one off efficiently and successfully.

#11. Ask people to tag their friends

This one can be tricky. Save it for posts so good that people really want their friends to see it. You also probably need to give them a reason (say, a giveaway?) to not just DM it privately.

Or, there’s the tried and true “reverse giveaway.”I (Just kidding. This is NOT a good example.) Instagram post from @kitabikeedaofficial advertising a contest where the rule is "if the person you tag doesn't reply in one minute, they have to buy you a book"

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#12. Like and comment on other users’ posts

In its ongoing attempt to give the people what they want, the Instagram algorithm prioritizes posts from accounts that it thinks are “close.” How does it measure closeness? By monitoring how much accounts interact with each other.

So, if you want to expand your reach, and therefore your chances of getting likes, don’t be a wallflower: go forth and interact.

#13. Land a spot on the Explore tab

Behind that little magnifying glass icon, the Explore tab is a cornucopia of beautiful, entertaining content personalized for you by Instagram. Brands that show up there get a lot of eyeballs.

But how do brands get featured on the Instagram Explore tab? In short, you need a great engagement rate to begin with. It’s a bit of a chicken-and-egg, especially if you’re just starting out. Conveniently, Instagram started offering Explore tab ads in July 2019.

#14. Cross-promote your Instagram presence on other channels

Of course, your brand would never post identical content across all the social media channels you use or do any of the other things brands do that people hate

Still, it never hurts to remind your Twitter followers or the folks on your email list that they’re missing out on your Instagram content.

United Nations Twitter bio, which advertises their Instagram handle

#15. Post-user-generated content

Done right, user-generated content on Instagram is fun because it’s real. This is an opportunity to generate desire and show off how much your customers love you.

#16. Post-behind-the-scenes content

People are nosy. Of course, they want to see what you, and your organization, get up to when you’re not in your Sunday finest. That said, show them your Monday finest, not your Saturday sweats.

#17. Research what your competitors are doing

It’s not espionage, it’s an inspiration. (I get it if you want to call it espionage, though.) Now that Instagram likes are hidden it’s tougher to see at a glance which posts are successful: especially on accounts run by your enemies' competitors.

But with the right tools, you can do some social listening to gauge sentiment and identify trends. And a full-scale competitive analysis can also help you keep an eye out for trends and opportunities.

#18. Ask people for their opinions

“Ask a question in the caption” is common advice for bumping up engagement. But now that Instagram likes are hidden, conducting an informal audience poll might be the prompt your followers need to tap that <3. Plus, you’re crowdsourcing some off-the-cuff focus group feedback. For free!

#19. Host a takeover

Instagram takeovers—a type of cross-promotion where different brands and influencers take over each other’s accounts—are a smart way to spark interest from your followers.

Ideally, your collaborator is aligned with your values but also brings a whole new audience over to check you out. Sound like a good fit? Here are seven steps to a successful Instagram takeover.

#20. Test out different kinds of content

Does your audience prefer inspirational quotes or infographics? Do they like the video? Does Boomerang catch their eye? Use analytics tools to A/B test all of them.

#21. Stay on trend

Plan ahead so that your content calendar is ready with your brand’s angle on the big dates in your niche. Whether that’s Black Friday and the Superbowl, or International Dog Day, it’s important to stay relevant to the conversation.

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